hen and chicken

Our experts have a global approach of the layers and egg management to be your partner during all the egg production steps, from the day-old layer chick stage to the egg production period.

Layer Nutrition

Caring for birds from hatch through lay

It is estimated that egg production will rise by 50% by the year 2030 to keep up with the rising demand for this nutritious and affordable food that is consumed worldwide. That is why our experts have a global approach for laying hens and egg quality management. We want to be your partner during the whole steps of the production cycle, from the day-old chick stage to the end of the egg production period.

The importance of laying hens’ nutrition

At ADM, we pay attention to the quality of the early feed and propose dedicated solutions to answer the challenges of this first critical stage. Providing the right nutrition of chicks to reach target body weight at first 4 weeks with have strong relationships with the target numbers of eggs (HH) at 72 weeks. Likewise, correct nutrition during the lay cycle will directly impact parameters.

Egg Quality Components

Egg quality is a global general term that refers to several standards defined by internal and external quality parameters. External quality is focused on shell cleanliness, texture and shape, whereas internal quality refers to egg white (albumen) and yolk colour. Producing a quality egg is not only about keeping the customer happy but ensuring that laying hen flocks are profitable.

Eggshell quality is a key component of overall egg quality and one that is of most concern to the producer, as shell breakage is the cause of 80 – 90% of downgraded eggs. Eggshell quality starts early, as most of what makes an eggshell weak or strong has already been determined prior to the egg having been laid. These contributing factors are varied and include the age and breed of the bird, housing system, nutrition, stress, and disease. One of the most consistent factors in declining eggshell quality is the age of the hen. During later stages of a hen’s life, a deficiency in calcium leads to a reduction in both eggshell weight and eggshell strength.

Eggshell quality can be greatly influenced by nutrition, mostly by providing enough calcium for older hens to help maximize their productive cycle. At the same time, careful attention must be paid to key components like zinc, manganese, and Vitamin D. These nutrients that must be up taken with enough amount by the hens can cause low-quality eggshells if they are presently inadequate in the diets.

Desirable egg size is something that varies widely based on country and customs. While some countries value super-sized eggs, other locations may only appreciate a smaller sized egg. The good news is that egg size can be tailored to meet consumer expectations to some extent. The bodyweight of hens and egg size can be determined with lighting management. Heavier eggs can also be achieved by feeding added ingredients such as certain amino acids and linoleic acids. Adding more protein will also provide heavier egg. The our poultry experts help producers manage the factors that affect egg size.

The colour of the yolk directly correlates to what the hen is being fed. Carotenoids fed to the hen result in a deeper golden yolk colour, which is usually perceived as favourable by the consumer. Examples of carotenoid-rich feed ingredients that have a colour impact on eggs yolks when fed to hens include seaweed meal, alfalfa meal, flower petal meal, dried sweet potatoes, dried carrots and others.

Overcome the challenges of egg production with our layer concept:

More than a product solution, our Egg Quality Concept is a customized partnership able to improve your egg quality. Quality results in a decrease of discarded eggs, the optimization of egg size in relation to market expectations, eggs with the ideal yolk colour and the optimum albumen thickness. Our experts are able to measure farm performance on egg quality and to identify sources of improvement to reach your egg challenges.

Maximizing the laying phase

We are your partner to improve your profitability, extending the laying period to get a maximum number of eggs. Working with you to decrease feed costs by improving the Feed Conversion Ratio. This ensures proper nutrition for the hens and confirms that they are getting the most out of the layer diet provided. Demands on commercial producers can vary based on market conditions and our poultry experts can help you make sure that your hens are laying at the right time and providing the best quality of eggs for your customers.

Customized technical services

As your partners, our experts provide you with customized support through technical service. This includes dedicated support on your feed production and farm management for every stage of the layer life and adapted to your egg production model. ADM offers multiple options for success, and all can be adapted to your needs and the needs of your end customers.

ADM helps you:

To OPTIMIZE your egg production, helping you to improve and monitor your economic results thanks to our formulation, layer and breeder nutrition expertise, farm & industrial technical supports.

To SECURE your production working with you on raw materials sourcing, specific control plan & finished products evaluation and sanitary control of your egg processing plant.

To BUILD a new production type or a new way to produce feed thanks to our global approach.

We pay attention to the quality of the early feed and propose dedicated solutions to answer challenges of this first critical stage. The day-old layer chick nutrition will directly have an impact on layer production.

We focus on your egg quality including eggshell quality, egg size, yolk color and albumen thickness. We propose a global quality approach to ensure the best economic result and your client satisfaction.

We are your partner to improve your profitability by increasing egg production and extending the laying period. Working also with you to help you have lower feed costs by improving Feed Conversion Ratio.

According to your project and needs, we are able to provide you with a dedicated answer

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